Engine Power
Engine Capacity
Fuel Type
Fuel tank volume (l)
Type of transmission gearbox
Driven wheels
Engine capacity
Engine type
Number of cylinders
Max. Power Output (h.p.)
Type of transmission gearbox
Fuel Type
Standard of Exhaust Gas Toxicity
Max. Speed
Length (mm)
Width (mm)
Height (mm)
Ground clearance (mm)
Luggage Boot capacity
Tire & disc wheel
Spare tyre
Front fog lights
Multifunction steering wheel
steering wheel
Seats materal
Heated Seats
Wireless charger
Cruise control
Heads up Display
Multi Info Monitor
Audio system monitor
Number of speakers
Safety Airbag
Fuel tank capacity
The weight of the whole vehicle
Pre-crash system
Rear view mirror
Parking sensors
Lane Keeping Assist System
Heated side mirrors
Luggage and back door release
Accessory connector (n0 2)
Headlamp levelling
Rear combination lamp
Back up lamp
Rear fog lamp